Remember Stonewall

To many have suffered and sacrificed to get us where we are today.

We won’t go back.

We won’t give in.

We won’t surrender.

We are legion, and our voices will be heard.

If we are truly united, and stand as one, there is nothing we can’t do.

24 thoughts on “Remember Stonewall

  1. The interesting thing regarding Stonewall: Sometimes, it feels (at least over the last 4-5 yrs) more like a straight bar than an LGBT+ bar.

    While it does not get as much press as Stonewall bar, I love visiting Julius, which is a few blocks from Stonewall. Depending on whom, you ask Julius is considered to be the oldest gay bar in NYC.


    • I can’t speak to the bar as it exists today. I haven’t been in a gay bar, let alone Stonewall, in years. This post is solely acknowledging the Anniversary of the riots themselves and the role it has plaid in the fight for lgbtq+ liberation.


      • I understood. I guess I was trying to imply that the activism, come as you are vibe that it had has changed (at least for me). I cannot put my finger on it. From my personal experience, it has change from a fully open environment (it was one of the 1st bars that I frequented when I came out in 2004), to a place where I do not feel comfortable. Perhaps, being older has played a role in the uncomfortableness.


        • Unfortunately I think that’s true about a lot of gay bars that have been around for a while, especially for those of us of an older generation. The bars have become more mixed and gentrified and are the new it place to hang out whether you’re gay or not. I’ve walked into a few bars on vacation that I only knew were gay bars because of the rainbow flag not because of the people in it. And nowadays gay bar seem less welcoming and open to all. If you don’t look a certain way or aren’t certain age you’re not welcome.


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