Happy New Year, All!

We managed to stay awake until midnight last night and, guts be damned, I made myself a proper Cosmo to toast the new year with Jeffrey and his Gin martini, as we eagerly said good-bye to a year that seems to be universally thought of as a shit show of a dumpster fire of chaos and pain.

And then we immediately went to bed because who are we kidding? We haven’t seen the other side of 10:00pm in ages!

No resolutions to share. Just the usual: eat better, move more, want less, appreciate more, yada yada yada.

I would, however, like to blog more, and with a bit more fervor. There was a time I blogged daily, and never struggled with what to say or talk about. In the last few years, I have grown reluctant to share as much. Partially out of a decision a few years ago to have less of an online presence, and partially because I began to get self-conscious about sharing my ups and downs: sharing good stuff made me feel like I was bragging, sharing bad stuff made me feel like I was complaining. I can easily enjoy the lives and stories other bloggers shared, but started feeling uncomfortable about sharing my own life in as much detail any longer. This has been my biggest barrier to blogging and I’d like to find my way through it. I would also like to spend some time learning how to use WordPress again. Ever since they forced us all into this new “Block” editing style, I have lost the ability to edit my posts the way I want, making for a less than pleasing blogging experience. I feel frustrated and stymied when trying to do something as simple as add a bulleted list or change the Font Size. But I’m pragmatic to a fault – the world is not going to change to be what I want, so I will have to change to be what I need – so I will learn my way around this, too.

Today, I started the day with a shower, shave, and donned actual pants. Methinks a New Year’s Day drive will be good to get the stench of illness off of me and adjust my point of view. Then I hope to return home and begin the lengthy task of de-decorating. I look forward to packing it all away and giving this house the cleaning it needs and deserves. And perhaps there will be some redecorating along the way. Nothing says “new year” like a new outlook, new frock, and new configuration of furniture.

Here’s to a better year ahead, Vaccinations for all, strong and sane leadership in the Whitehouse, financial and medical help for all those who need it, advances in the struggle for true equality for all, and a return to semi-normalness for us all.

Cheers to 2021!

14 thoughts on “MMXXI

  1. Happy New Year, and “brag” all you want. I don’t want to be the only one around here posting about retail therapy stuff.


  2. You’ve had a lot of ups and down in the past year of horrors, S/b. Wishing that 2021 will be exclusively one of ‘ups’ for you – or, if that’s asking too much, then many, many more +s than the other. To the ever-faithful Jeffrey too. And please give the cute little Harvey and the just-as-cute Rita May a New Year’s gentle little pat on the head for me. .Ta!


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