Love fest, Blogger Style

NOTE: AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!! Something happened and wordpress overwrote my final post with a previous version without much of my original captions and thoughts. I’m crushed, but way too exhausted and pissed off to try to remember and retype it. I’m sorry.


So, we’re home from an amazing weekend in Lewes, DE. I think I’m officially the last to blog about the first (but hopefully not the last) great northeastern Blogapalooza. So many others have already gushed and glamorized the weekend in ways I could never equal, but suffice it to say: I agree with them all 100 %. If you’d like to check out the blogs of all those who attended (and I had the great fortune to meet) to check out more stories and pics, here is the Roll Call:

Our host: Ron of Retired in Delaware

and is co-organizer Larry of Patently Queer

Nate of A Buckeye in Virginia

Doug of Gossamer Tapestry

Mark (& Spouse) of Tales of the Sissy

Anne Marie of From My Brain To My Mouth and Todd of Arteejee

Michael aka Dr. Spo of Spo-Reflections and David of Harper’s Valley

Mark (& Fred) of Our Simple Lives

Jay of Jay in VA

David (& Barry) of Lady Slipper Cove

“Java” (& Superman) of My Life or Something Like It

“The Cajun” of On Transmigration

Friday night we had the fortune to get Mark & Spouse to ourselves for dinner and drinks. Saturday morning, we were retrieved and chaperoned, by the great and mighty Spo, (after giant hugs of joy upon our first face to face meeting) to Larry, Nate & Jay’s Suite (aka the hospitality suite) where we got to meet a majority of the bloggers attending the weekend festivities. After lots of hellos, hugs and hurrahs, we headed out to get a group shot at an old time photo gallery. What follows is a series of candid shots we took while getting ready. And, yes, I am in drag, for the first time in my life. (Shut up! It’s true!) Anne Marie was otherwise engaged and poor Java had to bear the burden of the sole barmaid, so I shucked the scant remnants of my masculinity and pride and climbed into a purple frock, all in the spirit of camaraderie and fun:

Hubby finally has photographic proof that he wears the pants in the family



Soldier Spo


The Saloon Sisters: me and Java


Handsome Nate contemplating shenanigans, no doubt


Having a gay ol’ time with the fellers




photoddds 4



After the photo shoot, we headed over to lunch, where we surprised the Cajun (who would join us later for the nights festivities) at the restaurant he manages. The conversation never stopped as pictures were snapped, jokes were told and food was consumed en mass.

All of us trying to remember how to read something not on a digital device


After lunch, we headed back to the hospitality suite for more cocktails and conversations before everyone headed to their respective rooms to freshen up for the big event. This, of course, meant another costume change for me. I decided on a bowtie ensemble in honor of Spo:

photo 5

When we arrived at the Inn’s banquet room, Ann Marie, playing welcoming committee, handed us name tags that Ron had made each of us with our names, blogs and designated partners, if such applied:



We started with pre-dinner wine (of course) before the delicious banquet was served. After everyone ate, Spo was beckoned to the front of the room, where Ron presented him with a variety of gifts, all appropriate (or appropriately inappropriate) and fodder for jokes and fun all evening.

Spo in his new red cha-cha heels.


Many of us were presented with fabulous hats


I decided to start “photo bombing” people by just grabbing them and snapping pics.

Sassy and Spo


Sassy and Sissy


Sassy and the Simples


Sassy and Gossamer Doug


Sassy and Spouse aka Mr. Sissy


Sassy and Spo


Sassy and Mrs. Spo


Sassy and VA Jay


Sassy and Java


Sassy and Sexy Buckeye


Sassy and the Silver Slutty Shaker


Gossamer Sandwich


More Spo


The Breens and Spo


Me and Doug


Larry handling his meat


Me sporting my Spo-like Hawaiian shirt (a gift from BFF, Jim)


Superman and Spo


Spoils of a fab weekend


A fabulous weekend with fabulous people. Thanks to Ron and Larry for making it happen and everyone who traveled to be here for it. I can’t wait to do it again!

24 thoughts on “Love fest, Blogger Style

  1. What a fabulous post! I’m so glad everyone is posting photos because I’m seeing scenes that I didn’t see at the Bloggerpalooza. And a special thank you to you for providing so much joy to the festivities. I’ve missed you up to now but I won’t in the future.


  2. OMB, sassybear, YOU are just too dapper, too funny, too over the top outrageous, and just too special!

    your cosmos went down easy (HA!), and who KNOWS what indecent liberties were taken with that silver slutty shaker!

    cubby’s meat was delicious (wrapped around the dates, of course). 😉

    and you make a better looking woman than I do (I am SO jealous)!

    it was wonderful to see the breens again; spouse and I look forward to the next meeting! smooches, lovebirds! 🙂


  3. This is just TOO TOO!!! I’d like to cut you all out, have you stiffened, and get you all standing on my keyboard.
    Your final sentence above suggests a very exciting prospect. One simply cannot have too much of a good thing! Totally splendiferous!

    Btw: Hope that your newly discovered taste for ladies’ wear would never mean that you’d contemplate whiskers-removing. A little corruption is nice – but there are limits!


  4. Most excellent photos. One of these years I hope to attend. Hopefully there will be more years.

    Oh, and I so want the vests that your hubby, Superman, and Nate had on for the photo shoot. I’d wear those every day.


  5. First, last, all I know is that I’m having a great time seeing all the pictures, taken by everyone! I love all the different angles, and people, and just plain fun they all show. It really was a fine time. Something that counts amongst some of my most fun times!

    Peace ❤


  6. Thanks to ME, you are not the last one to post on this topic. 😉 Fantastic photos!!! It was a genuine pleasure to meet everyone, but especially you and Jeffrey. Can’t wait til next time.


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