Sundry Sunday

It is wonderful to have Jeffrey home. The house felt empty without him here.

This weekend was mostly relaxing and catching up on Jeffrey’s adventures in Mississippi. BUT, we did manage to be a little productive:

*Jeffrey synced all the inside holiday lights on Siri so they come on with “Deck The Halls” and turn off with “Bah Humbug.”

*I organized all the Christmas gifts I bought and boxed them up so they are ready for wrapping.

*We ordered pizza for dinner last night, but I grilled pork chops for dinner tonight.

*I am back on the weight loss/exercise wagon, so I set up a workout/exercise/eating plan this morning and started exercising and counting calories again today.

*We finalized plans for the remainder of the year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a few other events. (We have no plans for New Year’s Eve, so were available for parties, cocktails, what have you. *Wink Wink Nudge Nudge*)

All in all, a good weekend.

(FYI: I am waiting to take pictures of the decorations, until a few more items I ordered arrive.)

11 thoughts on “Sundry Sunday

  1. I hope you didn’t let Jeffrey see the Xmas gifts you bought for him!

    It’s a good thing you don’t let me in your house, or your Christmas lights would never be on.


  2. I, too, am looking forward to pictures of your fabulous decorations.

    In a burst of productive activity this past weekend I managed to wrap ALL of the Christmas gifts that I have at hand, which is most of them. There are a couple for my mom, maybe three? for our daughter and her husband, and a large box full for our pretend grandchildren.
    We’ll be traveling to Pennsylvania to visit our daughter for Thanksgiving, so I wrapped their gifts to take with us on Friday. While I was at it I wrapped the two things I have for my mom. And since everything was already out, I got out the box of gifts for our three fake grandkids and spent 2-3 hours just wrapping those! Now it’s all done and I feel great. Never before have I had all the gifts wrapped this early.


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