A thousand words

Doggy dozing

They look how I feel…utterly pooped.

It was another rough week at work. But in a desperate act of hope, I applied for a position in another department today. Hey, you never know.

Health is sloooowly improving but I’m still restricting food and my energy levels are hovering just above empty. It doesn’t help that I haven’t slept well all week. But I’m still feeling better than I did a week ago, so I’m not going to complain.

This weekend we have a few projects we’d like to complete (gluten free popovers anyone?) but nothing that can’t wait if I’m not feeling up to it. There’s always plenty to read and watch, and I’m sure my pups won’t feel too put upon if they have to lap-trap me all weekend.

Stay safe, all!

6 thoughts on “A thousand words

  1. Hopefully you’ll get the job. I also wonder if current events are also interrupting your sleep. I’m in that rut right now even though Orange Satan disappeared four days ago.


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