
Today was a rough day.

One too many stories of hate, death, and stupidity.

It all got to me and I just broke down. I feel drained and struggling to hold onto hope that things will get better.

Like a sudden candle in the dark, I received an email from a longtime blog follower who prefers commenting via emails to me, thanking me for always staying positive in my posts and inspiring him.

Neither the irony nor the timing was lost on me.

I don’t believe in angels, nor that “things always work out” or “happen for a reason” but I do know that, sometimes, the perfect thing happens at the perfect time to give you that second wind when you couldn’t find it yourself.

So I just wanted to say thank you, G! I guess now we’re even.

Stay safe everyone. The only way we’re getting through this is together.

5 thoughts on “Cracks

  1. We are living in some crazy times in a country run by a certifiable moron. It is good to know that we live in a community of bloggers who are genuine and offer each other support. As people always say, “This too, shall pass.” But I ask, WHEN!! Stay healthy too.


  2. So glad that you got some timely encouragement. Yesterday was a rough one for me with a strong wave of depression. It’s better today. These are strange times when our mental health is challenged. “The Covids, yo!” are threatening our physical health, the whole situation is messing with our mental health. Strange times.


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