Sassybear’s Sunday 7

Something I thought about: How much I hate losing my ability to physically function. It sucks. After a week of Vertigo, I am grateful to be able to cross a room by myself again, albeit carefully.

Something I saw: The Tony’s (We’re watching them right now.) While we enjoy seeing shows in NYC, we get to see so very few, so this is a chance to familiarize ourselves with the various shows and actors we will likely never see live.

Something I heard: I’ve been listening to rainfall sounds from iTunes on my phone at night to help me fall asleep. It’s very relaxing.

Something I tasted: A submarine sandwich on an amazing new Gluten Free bread made by (Greenlite). Its’ the best (store bought) Gluten Free bread I’ve ever tasted.

Something I learned: There is (was) a line of DC Direct “Pocket Super Heroes” figures that included an awesome variety of 70 different DC Comics characters and the cutest little Justice League of America meeting table and chairs. I just planned on hunting down the table, but I wound up finding all the figures available on line for pretty cheap, so I bought them. Now I just have to figure out where I’m going to put them.

Something I accomplished: Very little this week. The vertigo kept me horizontal most of the week. I did manage to make a little progress on cataloguing my digital comics.

Something I created: I crocheted a little, planted flower seeds, and made gluten free Sesame Chicken.

9 thoughts on “Sassybear’s Sunday 7

  1. I hope your vertigo clears up soon. Mine affects me the most when I lay down or get up from bed, or roll over in bed. Luckily, there was only one day when it made me a little unsteady while I was upright. It’s scary when that happens, you have my sympathy!


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