Hump Day Ho-Hum

Our snow removal guy was later than usual to our house this morning to remove the foot of snow from our driveway, so I couldn’t get my car out to drive to work in time. Instead, I “opted” to work from home again today. The house had grown rather cool by lunchtime, and Harvey was looking for a warm place to settle. Since my lap wasn’t available yet, I turned on the gas fireplace in the bedroom and he was more than happy to settle in front of it on top of the blanket at the end of the bed. It took all my willpower not to lay down beside him.

I finished up a major project for work today, so I should get a bit of a breather for the end of the week. Unfortunately, I’ll have to go into the office on Thursday and Friday, since I used up my two telecommuting days this week on Tuesday and today, due to the bad weather. (I usually telecommute on Thursday and Friday.) At least I didn’t have to travel in the snow.

Tonight’s cocktail do jour; Blood Orange Cosmo. “Wait!” you say. Didn’t I have one of these recently? Yes! But that was made with bottled orange juice. Tonight’s cocktail is made with fresh squeezed juice from Blood Oranges, and let me tell you…HUGE difference and WAY better!

Here’s to a quiet and quick ride to the weekend.

13 thoughts on “Hump Day Ho-Hum

  1. I trust that your lap became available sooner rather than later? It is important to keep your customer satisfaction ratings high. My understanding is that there was a severe lap outage this weekend (so much for the vaunted Breen Acres Redundant Lap Policy) so there is already work to rebuild trust in the brand.

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  2. I completely relate to your situation with the snow removal guy being late and having to work from home. It’s one of the downsides of working remotely – sometimes we’re at the mercy of external factors like weather and service providers. I’m glad you were able to get some work done and even finish up a major project.

    I’m curious, though – do you find it easier or harder to stay focused and productive when working from home? And do you have any tips for staying motivated during those times when you’re tempted to lay down beside your furry friend in front of the fireplace?


    • I prefer working at home and find it very easy to work and stay focused. I have a dedicated office space I go to (in the basement, not in our normal living space) and I set alarms for start work, breaks, lunch, and day end. I only stop working during those times. Otherwise I’m working. If i’m struggling to “go to work” any given morning, I trade in the comfy clothes for pants and shoes, which helps me feel more “professional.” I don’t do anything I can’t do in the office (listen to music, watch TV, take extra breaks.) I treat my work time like just that: my work time. No exceptions. I feel like I’m going to work when I go down stairs, and like I’m leaving when I come back us. I’m not saying I never get tempted to stray away from work, especially to cuddle with Harvey. Like anything, it takes practice and discipline. Hope this helps.


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