
It would be impossible to catch the full glory of this weekend in words. It was Bear Weekend and we reconnected with so many friends and made a few new ones. We went out Friday and Saturday night and I did not get home until 6:00 am Sunday morning…that pretty much says it all. Drinks, dinners, friends, fun, laughter, frolic and a possible change in status quo for us – life sure is interesting right now.

Our closing is inĀ  18 days. We drove by the house today to make sure it was still there and looking liveable. When we drove by and saw the “Sold” sign, it made my heart leap. It still seems so surreal.

We returned home to lounge for the day and enjoy some Netflix series we have decided to add to our repertoire: Blackadder & Farscape. There may have been some dozing off along the way.

I’m off to return to comfort and cuddle bliss. Before I go, here’s your first glimpse of the new place: